Monday, June 16, 2008

Marketing and volunteering

So a couple of new things. First, I spontaneously decided to get rid of my .com site and redirect it to my Etsy shop.

So now =

I did it cause mostly was useless. I made it before i had an Etsy shop. And I was just too lazy to update it with the new shells and pictures and whatever. I've got Flickr for a gallery. I've got this blog to let everyone know what I'm doing and what's going on with my works. And I've got an Etsy shop... where i can actually sell stuff. The .com was useless.

But i have six more months of hosting, an extra email address and the .com is printed on hundreds of business cards. Shame to let it go to waste. So with the help of a little html, I just made it so that it automatically redirects. Now I won't have to tell people "go to this address, not that one" when handing them business cards. Not everyone knows what Etsy is obviously, so this will save me time on explanations on why I want them to go straight to my shop, not to the .com.

If you have a domain you want to redirect to your own shop, have a look right here.

Moving on! We've got some new shells done!

This wrinkly dude is in my shop now:

He's a happy English bulldog. I've been painting a lot of smiling dogs lately. I like it - doggie smiles are much easier to capture in paint than people smiles, for one thing. This guy's painted on a hard clam, which is super sturdy and can probably survive a fall or child or two (not that that's a guarantee, but just saying).

And we have a custom shell - featuring an inscription!

Kingston is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi - another happy smiley guy. And, man, I love how he came out. I had no idea I could paint like this. I'm seriously thrilled :) I know, I'm so humble... The inscription was a request from his owner. Its the first time I tried something like that. I never offered to caption pictures... because doG did not bless me with penmanship at all. But the owner asked and I couldn't say no (are we seeing a pattern here?). I tried super hard to stay neat, though, and the letters came out okay. So yah. super proud cause sometimes I just need to be.

I found me a volunteering gig. Today was my first day helping out at Animal Haven at their SoHo location. Technically I need some hours volunteering for my Vet school application. But I also do want to help out, I'm not a totally bad person after all. The SoHo location is a very small facility, they've got about five dogs and maybe 15 cats. The dogs have little "corrals" and the cats have two rooms where they all hang out. They also have a boutique storefront whose proceeds go to help sustain the facility. I spent some time walking Mollee all around SoHo (and getting to know the town cause i don't know that area of Manhattan at all):

and some other pups. Walking big dogs is definitely a change from my 13 lb guys :P got some good exercise out of it too...

1 comment:

LuLu Borealis said...

The rock dogs are really cute. So is that real one, nice blog.